
Valeriia Havrylenko

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Valeriia Havrylenko completed her Bachelor’s at the National technical university of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” in 2014 and then entered the Master’s course, which she finished in 2015. Upon graduation she started her teaching career at the department of theory, practice, and translation of the English language, Faculty of Linguistics, NTUU “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” which she successfully combines with the activity as a professional translator.Valeriia Havrylenko is the author of various scientific articles, she is currently working on her PhD thesis, titled “The terminology of sustainable development: lexicographic and translation aspects”. She is also involved in translation projects of the university, being the organizer of translation groups, the proof-reader, and sometimes – the interpreter during bilateral meetings.Havrylenko V. teaches different subjects related to translation and grammar such as: The Fundamentals of Translation (bachelor degree), Contrastive Grammar of English and Ukrainian (Bachelor Degree), Practical Grammar of the English Language (elective, Bachelor Degree), English as the second foreign language (Bachelor degree), English as the First Foreign language (Bachelor degree). She is also supervising the term papers of bachelors. The academic interests of V. Havrylenko cover the issues of automatic translation, term organizing tools, theory of puns, the linguistic theory of memes, cyber-punk as a special literature genre.