
Olga Ishchenko

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Seniour lecturer at the department of theory, practice and translation of the English language

Contact information:



Olga Ishchenko, a senior lecturer of the English Language Theory, Practice and Translation Department, graduated from in1996 graduated from Kiev State Linguistics University the department of English language and foreign literature with qualification of philologist, a teacher of the English language.

Places of employment and position: 

English teacher at Gymnasium 48, Kyiv, a lecturer and senior lecturer at Kyiv Slavonic University, a senior lecturer at NTUU “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.

Qualification upgrading courses: 

TKT Cambrige English certificate (2014), Cambrige English Teacher certificate of completion the online professional development course “How to teach IELTS” (2015), National Aviation University (Internship at Department of International Affairs) (2015), Teacher’s training course “G Suite for Education” at NTUU “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” (2020)

Scientific interests: 

Methodology of the English language teaching, interdisciplinary studies, the pragmatic aspects of translation. Olga Ishchenko constantly attends professional trainings and workshops, actively participates in seminars conducted by experts from Great Britain and the USA, Ukrainian and International conferences on topical issues of methodology in foreign languages teaching and translation aspects. She has scientific articles in specialised journals, approved by DAK of Ukraine, also indexed in international academic databases.

Duties performed: 

Olga Ishchenko isworking as a member of the faculty methodology commission, at present teaches “English (as a First Language, practical course); “English as a Second Language (practical course)”, supervises students’ course and diploma papers, and students’ participation in conferences; was member of jury in a final tour of «Ukrainian students’ competition in educational reforms projects aimed at Ukrainian educational system integration into European Study Space”(2020)
In charge of the student group LA-83