
Usyk Galyna

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Senior Lecturer Department of Theory, Practice and Translation of the English Language, NTUU “Igor Sikorsky KPI”



Kyiv State University by T.G. Shevchenko, 1985


• 1978 -1984 secondary school N 157 (laboratory assistant 1978 – 1982, teacher 1982 – 1984)

• 1984 – 1992 – Kyiv affiliation of research and development center of elastomeric and latex products

• 1992 – NTUU “Igor Sikorsky KPI”

e-mail: galinausik@gmail.com


• English language (primary, practical course)

• Practical translation course (primary, General Engineering, Technical English)

Academic work:

Area of research: Pragmatic linguistics, Phraseology, Sociolinguistics, Translation study

Conferences participation: Karazinski chitannja, Kharkiv (2010, 2011, 2012); Vzajemodija odynyz movy I movlennja, SNU, Luzk (2010, 2011, 2015); International Crimean Linguistic Congress, Yalta (2011, 2012, 2013),  II International Scientific conference ELLIC 2015, Ivan—Frankivsk (2015), International Conference for Academic Disciplines, American University of Rome, Italy (2015); (IJAS) International Conference for Education, the University of London Union, London, UK, 2016; American Canadian Conference for Social Sciences and Humanities, McGill University, Montreal, Canada (2018); International Conference for Social Sciences and Humanities, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, the USA (2018); II International Scientific Conference Ëducation, Research, Practice”.Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University, Telavi, Georgia, (2018); International Scientific conference «Actualni Problemy Romano-Germanskoi filologii», Chernivzi, (2017, 2019); International EAPSA Conference «Beyond Childhood and Adolecsence…Growing with Edgar Allan Poe». University of Almeria, Almeria, Spain, (2020); I International Scientific and Theoretical Conference «SECTORAL RESEARCH XXI: CHARACTERISTICS AND FEATURES», Chicago, USA, (2021); 8-th SWS International Scientific Conference on ARTS & HUMANITIES: SWS Florence Art, Florence, Italy (2021).


  1. Usyk G.M, Voloshchuk I.P., Glinka N.V. Lacoons in crosscultural communication and the peculiarities of their elimination in translation. – Functional Linguistics: sb.nauch. rabot / Krymski respublicanski institute poslediplomnogo pedagogicheskogo obrazovanija; nauch.red. A.N. Rudiakov. – N 3. – Simferopol, 2012. – 360.
  2. Usyk G.M., Voloshchuk I.P., Glinka N.V. Phraseological collocations with a numeral component: lexical semantic and translation aspects. – Naukovyi visnyk Volynskogo nazionalnogo universitetu im. Lesi Ukrainki, N 22(247), Seria ; Filologichni nauky, 2012, 230 c.
  3. Usyk G.M., Voloshchuk I.P. Linguistic means of representation of the military marked lexics and terminology – Naukovi zapysy: seria; Filologichni nauky. – Kirovograd, 2014, C. 216 – 220.
  4. Usyk G., Glinka N., Ilchuk J. Cross-Cultural Realities in the Journalistic Discourse and Their Significance in Foreign Language Learning. – Advanced Education. Новітня освіта. Issue 6. National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.  Київ. 2016.; Наукометричні БД:Web of Science. ISSN2409-3351
  5. Usyk G. Linguistic sources of medical terminological system formation. Naukovyi zhurnal “Actualni problem romano-germanskoi filologii ta prycladnoi lingvistiki”, vyp. 2(18), Chernivzi,2019. 
  6. Usyk G. Means of realisation of gender stereotypes in the Enlish world view. Naukovyi electronnyi zhurnal «Text. Context. Intertext.» URL – http://text-intertext.in.ua/pdf/n022017/usyk_galyna_02_2017.pdf; DOI – https://dx.doi.org/ISSN 2522-929X
  7. Usyk G., Voloshchuk I. Argumentation in Political Discourse: Semantic, Composition and Stylistic Register. Humanities and Social Sciences Review ,CD-ROM ISSN: 2165-6258, 2018 Volume 08, Number 02; URL: http://universitypublications.net/hssr/0802/html/H8V44.xml
  8. Usyk G., Voloshchuk I. The Ethnolinguistic Aspect of the Ukrainian Tales Narration, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Thought (IJMT) Volume 7, No. 3 ; URL: – http://universitypublications.net/ijmt/0703/html/K8D60.x
  9. Usyk G., Kyrylenko T. Metaphor as a way of terms coinage in medicine – Advanced Linguistics. 2020.  №5.
  10. Usyk G., Kuzmina V. Peculiarities of creation and semantics of the English environmental protection terminology. Advanced Linguistics. 2021, N 6.

 Metodological work:

Bachelor students’ practical training in translation (4 year)

Final Examination preparation and carrying out

                                                 Metodolodical  production:

Manual in «Practical Translation Course «Ecology»», authors: Usyk G., Voloshchuk I. (Department of Theory, Practice and Translation of the English Language, NTUU “Igor Sikorsky KPI”), 2014, 170 p. № protocol of method. 9; 13.05.2014

Physics – Mechanics: navch. posib./ N.I. Tarashchenko, O.P. Kuz, O.V. Drozdenko, O.V. Dolyanivska, G.M. Usyk– K.: NTUU”KPI”, 2016. – 118 p. англійською мовою (крім НПП ФЛ); № протокола метод. ради 4; дата 03.04.2017

Qualification upgrade – Navchalno-metodychnyi kompleks “Institut pisljadyplomnoi osvity NTUU “KPI”, certificate 12CПB 026899, 17.06.2014;

Navchalno-metodychnyi kompleks “Institut pisljadyplomnoi osvity NTUU “Igor Sikorsky KPI”, certificate ПК N 02070921/004414 – 19, 18.01.2019.

Organizational activity:


  1. Organization and carrying out the annual Olympiad “Obrii Khudognjogo Perecladu” (“Horizons of Literary Translation)
  2. Organization and carruing out the first  round of the Olympiad in the English language.