PhD in Linguistics
Orcid ID 0000-0002-0288-9582
Google Scholar: https://
Graduated from the English department of Kyiv National Linguistic University (the then Kyiv State Linguistic University) with honours in 1998, the specialty “Languages and Literature (English and Spanish)”, and was qualified as a teacher of English and Spanish languages and foreign literature. In 2012, graduated from the “Kyiv Institute of Translators», got the degree in the specialty «Translation», and was qualified as the master of Philology, translator/interpreter from the English language. Took the postgraduate course in KNLU, and defended thesis on the specialty 10.02.04 “Germanic languages” in 2012.
Thesis’s title: Prosodic means of actualizing communicative-pragmatic intentions in British political speech (experimental-phonetic study)
Main publications within the scientific activity trends’ frameworks:
Papers in the methodology’s fields:
Internships and international projects:
In 2015-2017, participated in the NATO-PDP (Professional Development Program) international project as part of the professional training program “Practical English Language Course” for civil servants and representatives of the security and defense sector of central authorities, which was held on the basis of the Institute of Postgraduate Education of T. Shevchenko Kyiv National University.
In June 2021, completed an internship at the ISMA University of Applied Sciences (Riga, Latvia) on the course “Theory and practice of scientific and pedagogical approaches in education”.
In 2018, completed an internship under the professional development program “Challenges of literary translation: linguistics, pragmatics, methodology) at KNLU.
During 2017-2018, completed an internship at the Pearson Company under the “Pearson Digital Innovators Teacher Development Project” program on the use of multimedia educational tools.
Educational components taught by A. Sotnykov
For bachelors:
English (basic, practical course)
Practical translation course. Social sciences
Practical course of translation from the second (English) language. Technical sciences
For masters:
Translation in the field of international business
Scope of scientific interests:
English Phonetics, linguistics of the text, issues of speech manipulation in discourse, methods of foreign languages teaching, theoretical and practical aspects of translation Hobbies: reading, sports, fishing