
Kateryna Sheremeta

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Lecturer at the Department of Theory, Practice and Translation of English,
National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”


In 2019 — graduated from the Faculty of Linguistics of National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” and obtained the Master`s Diploma with Program Subject Area “Philology”.

In 2020 — lecturer at the Department of Theory, Practice and Translation of English.

Contact information:

e-mail: sheremetakateryna12@gmail.com

Teaching Activities:

English (as a First Language, practical course), Practical Course of Translation.

Research work:

Main interests of research: professional language, gender linguistics, corpus linguistics, translation.

Ph.D. candidate (department of Theory, Practice and Translation of English) since October 2020. Scientific adviser — Ph.D. (Pedagogic), Assistant Professor of the department of Theory, Practice and Translation of English NTUU “Igor Sikorsky KPI” Fedorenko Svitlana Viktorivna.

She is a member of Societas Linguistica Europaea.

She is a scientific supervisor of 3d year students (first level of higher education).

Methodological outcomes:

In 2021 finished the Upgrade Training Course about “Making photos, videos, animations to support educational process”.


Responsible for the diploma supplements translation.

From 2020 has been working in the selection committee of the Faculty of Linguistics in the positions of Deputy Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee of the Faculty of Linguistics.

Participates in coordinating students for employment.

In charge of the student group LA-01, holds educational talks with the students.