
Svitlana Kolomiiets

Svitlana  Kolomiiets
Record of work experience:

• 1971 to 1973 senior inspector of National Committee of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society 

• 1973 to 1974 teacher of English at the Taras Shevchenko State University training courses for applicants.

• 1974 to present teacher of English, lecturer, assistant professor, professor at the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (now National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”).

Educational and scientific background:

• 1966 – 1971 Kyiv State Institute of Foreign Languages. The English Language Department

• 1974 to present teacher of English, lecturer, assistant professor, professor at Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (now National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute“).

• 1993 Summer school student in Plymouth,UK ( “Teaching ESP” course)

• 1994 Defended the thesis for candidate of pedagogical sciences on the problem “Methods of Teaching Specialists Professional Communication in English”

• 1996-1998 participated in the Tempus Tacis Programme “Higher Education Management”.

• February 1996 a student of the English Language School in Aahen, Germany.

• 1997 took part in writing a text book “Higher Education Goes European” (Svetlana Kolomiets, Svetlana Kulezniova, Ninel Pepelova edited by Victoria Appelbe and Svetlana Kolomiets); took part in the joint project of the Ministry of Education and the British Council in Ukraine “Pre-project Research of the State of Business English Teaching in Ukraine”. In the framework of the above mentioned project visited Rumania to exchange experience in ESP teaching.

• July 1998 a student of Pilgrims summer school at Kent, UK (course “Methods of Teaching Business English”).

• 1999 a student of Business English courses at the University of Bristol Language Centre, UK; participated in writing the workbook “English for Business and Economics”.

• 1994 – to 2018 an  assistant professor of the Theory, Practice and Translation of the English Language  department.

• 2018 – to the present time a professor of the Theory, Practice and Translation of the English Language department; lecturer of the courses in Comparative Stylistics and Methods of Teaching the English Language and Translation; the author of more than100 scientific publications, among which – 4 papers in WoS indexed journals, 3 text-books and 1 distance course; supervisor of more than 20 defended Master degree and 5 PhD degree theses.